Customer service is what separates any company from their competitors.
For a lot of customers, customer service includes delivery. Delivery can be a make or break option for many people. Who has time to stop what they are doing and go pick up a couple dozen t-shirts, especially if you’re an on-the-go sort of person?
A lot of companies are taking speedy delivery to the extreme. Recently, a Senate committee approved legislation that gives the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) two years to develop guidelines for commercial delivery drones. Retailers such as Amazon have been experimenting with drone delivery, and the technology is advancing quickly.
While most of us might not be on board with drone deliveries, we do like the simplicity of having what we order come right to our door. That’s why at Madison Top Company, we offer many different options for you to get your goods – local delivery to our customers by either your sales associate or our delivery service, and UPS for those customers who live outside of our delivery area. Local delivery is free of charge!