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It started with a t-shirt. #MadCity Swag Our roots are deep here in Madison, and we celebrate it every day with the Mad City t-shirt. We’ve been printing this iconic shirt since 1974. Maybe you’ve seen it around State Street, or at various Wisconsin sporting events. Maybe you’ve even seen it worn by proud Madison…
A company that cares is one you can rely on. Business relationships aren’t always based on the bottom line. If you do business with a company that doesn’t care about you and the place you call home, do they really have your best interest at heart? Letting your word be your bond is another way…
Tomorrow is Let’s Laugh Day! Business is sometimes serious; we all know that there are times when a certain gravity is needed. However, a little levity can go far in defusing tense situations and sometimes can make people comfortable enough to want to work with you again. According to the Harvard Business Review, laughter can bring…
Yesterday was International Day of Happiness. Happiness means a lot of different things to different people. For some of us, happiness is spending time with family and friends, or it could be helping puppies at an animal shelter. Happiness could be as simple as watching the sunrise every morning, or watching the stars on your back…
Hit a home run with these great ideas. Baseball season is right around the corner – only a few weeks before Opening Day! We have several staff members who are crazy about America’s Pastime, and our big boss will be heading off to Opening Day himself this year. People can be very passionate about their…
The future is endless. Sometimes we get so caught up in the here and now of everyday life. Business can be even more narrow minded; we’re always looking for the next big lead, the next big sale. When was the last time you took a deep breath and thought about what you’ve accomplished, and how…
April is National Stress Awareness Month. All month long, we will be giving you tips on how to lessen your stress levels at work, at home, and everything in between. Did you know that 1/4 of employees view their workplace as the number one cause of stress in their lives? It’s true. And when employees…
We talked about workplace stressors and how they can affect you. Today we will talk about easy ways to relieve that stress. An easy fix to workplace stress is using a stress reliever. It’s a great tool to use for almost instant relief, with both emotional and physical benefits. One great benefit is for tension…
It was National Pet Day recently, and it got us to thinking. Do you have an office pet? It’s not only the junkyard dog anymore; many offices are allowing pets these days. A 2012 study showed that bringing your dog to work may lower your overall stress. Plus, having animals can add to a positive, open…